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Daniel F. Heuer



Phone: 906-248-2191

About the Artist

Daniel F. Heuer is a completely self taught artist who has lived in Michigan all his life.  Currently living in the Upper Peninsula with his wife Teresa, Dan is close to the nature he portrays with his brushes.  Adept at pencil, ink, watercolor, acrylic and oil, the latter is his preference for his larger originals.  Enjoying the surrounding area and the great outdoors exposes this artist, on a daily basis to new ideas for his creations.  He is a Vietnam Veteran, born again Christian, and a dedicated conservationist, all which help keep him grounded and in close contact with God’s creatures.  Dan looks forward to new challenges on a daily basis and creating new works to share with those who admire them.

2010 - present
2010 - present
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