Bufflehead Hen Vintage Working Duck Decoy
- Bufflehead Hen Vintage Working Duck Decoy by Danny Lee Heuer
- Hand carved and painted circa early1990's.
- Michigan High Ground White Cedar
- Approximate size; 10 1/2" long, by 7 1/4 " high by 4 3/4" wide.
- "The Decoys of Danny Lee Heuer" Poster comes with your purchase.
More Info
- Bufflehead Hen Vintage Duck Decoy Original Working Paint Hand Carved From Cedar by Danny Lee Heuer.
- This decoy is from my 96 year old (deceased) fathers estate and my private duck decoy collection of my Dad's best to me.
- Hand carved and painted by Danny Lee Heuer out of Michigan High Ground White Cedar circa early1990's.
- Approximate size is; 10 1/2" in length by 7 1/4"" high and 4 3/4" wide, a full size working decoy.
- This Hen Bufflehead is a turned head representation, wich difinately adds lots of character to this decoy and adds a great style of carving with the head annimation.
- The bottom of the decoy has dad's initials carved into it with the SSM location info as the picture shows.
- We floated and hunted this decoy several times during a late fall season, with strict instructions not to shoot near it, floated nice and was fun to do, especially during those cold late fall days.
- After hunting over this decoy, it was retired to my personal collection room which grew steadily on a yearly basis, as Dad carved more which I added to the shelfs.
- This decoy was as with a bunch of his early work also is one of the favorite's of mine, as it was one of the first of many we floated and hunted over.
- Bufflehead decoys were Dad's favorites to carve, and the most requested species for him to carve, he specialized in them and they were widley received.
- 95% of all of Dad's gunning decoys had the underside of the bills carved out in detail, a trait of his tool & die trade.
- This Vintage Working Bufflehead Hen is a rare find and now available for a addition to that serious decoy collection.
- This Decoy comes with a unique hand made display stand to accomadate the keel with 12 ga. shotgun shell bases on a 3/4" wooden base approximately 6" long, by 3 1/2" wide, a great looking display stand, as shown by the picture.
- The poster: "The Decoys of Danny Lee Heuer" comes with your purchase at no extra charge.
- The poster shows just a small sample of the many decoys that he carved during his carving career.
- Surprise that someone special in your life and give the gift that never stops giving!